[x] the layout

Before starting this layout, it had been almost a year since I last did anything related to HTML. Even worse, it had been nearly 18 months since I really worked on a layout, so I was very rusty. I decided I would keep things simple without being too basic. I hope I've accomplished that with this layout.

Both original images were taken from godsson.net. Editing was done to better capture the idea that I had in my head for the layout, but the changes were kept to a minimum to keep things fairly simple. The splash page was very much in the vein of the splash page from the last layout, which featured Pistons Ben Wallace and Michael Curry dancing (or.. well, trying, at least). When I saw the original image, I jumped at the idea of continuing at least one trend, maintaing some level of consistency from layout to layout. As for the image you see above, I still wanted to keep things simple but not too basic. At the click of a few buttons, the image underwent enough change to be classic yet elegant. Or something like that.

[x] behind the name

Destroy & Rebuild is, fittingly, the title of one of my favorites by Nas. The title fit with what I was doing: destroying and rebuilding this personal site. I was sick of what this blog had come to represent, which was my past immaturity and argumentitive tendencies. So I tore the bitch down and put this up.

[x] past layouts

I've had six or eight layouts in the past, but for the most part, they were horrid. Here, you'll only see the last one, which I thought was so good that I left it up for over a year.

Hell, who am I kidding. I only left it up for so long because I stopped caring about this webspace. :P

The Beast - a layout that was done twice. The first, a super simple layout that got boring fast, so I took the two original images and slapped them on a niftier looking background.